Why Film From Afar?

"We Track Traffic Stops"

Film From Afar.com aims to record the constant threat of bad police misconduct. Citizen compliance and de-escalation tactics will increase with surrounding video witnesses nearby legally observing said traffic stops.

Who Are We

The World’s 1st App Platform that tracks traffic stop video.

Our Mission

“Legally Observe” as Many As Police as Possible When Engaging the General Public

What We Do

We Reliably Record & Stopre Your Traffic Stop Video So You Don’t Have To.

Our History

In honor of Dion Johnson, a young man who was tragically shot and killed by a cop who was not using a body camera, Film From Afar.com noticed an imperative need for ‘video witnesses’ during traffic stops.  It’s goal is to amplify ‘legal observation’ across the world, linking everyday citizens with local lawyers that can plead their case and allow the pursuit of timely justice.

How the Film From Afar App Works...


Transmit your location to surrounding legal observers.


Video witnesses receive directions to your traffic stop location.


Upon arrival, users record hi-definition video of your traffic stop at a safe distance (100 feet away). 

.Zip Video Download

Download all traffic stop video associated with your beacon as a .zip file.

Local Lawyers

Link with local attorneys to review your traffic stop video.

Nearby Bail Agents

In case of arrest, your designated, emergency contacts (family members/friends) may also access your traffic stop videos for your defense and help the bail agent get you out of jail.

Why Film From Afar.com?

The larger the FFA network, the larger the impact with can have on ‘Bad Cop’ misconduct.  


With the click of just one button, send the location of your traffic stop to surrounding FFA members.

*Including your designated emergency contacts in the event of an arrest or shooting).

Surrounding FFA members simply select, ‘Accept,’ to receive directions to your traffic stop location.

Upon arrival, FFA members anonymously film at a safe distance (x>100ft) from multiple vantage points surrounding your vehicle. 

FFA members (or there pre-registered emergency contacts)  may then return to the FilmFromAfar site to download all related traffic stop videos as a .zip file

Upon entering your zip code, Film From Afar will link you to nearby justice officials to review you video evidence for illegal activity. 

If arrested, you’ll may be able to leave jail much faster with input from local bondsmen.

Projects Completed
Happy Clients
Lines Of Code